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"Is this one of her ideas, Crom?" What? Oh ... this. No, her designs are much better than this. This little jewel is the first of what will probably be a long line of competitors. This one steals our patent directly, but is only able to manage about half our output. That is still ten percent more than conventional designs, but we are trying to see how they made it to be so inefficient. I think they disassembled one of our units and built this without really understanding the design. It is a company out of Jakarta and they are selling these things like sausages, and for twice what we charge. Our lawyers are arguing patent infringement in the world courts, but I don't expect much to come from it. That part of the world needs this technology as much as we do and they feel that we are withholding it from them."Look, Alex. I know that you want to keep this "American made" to help with the trade imbalance and to provide jobs here, but it's getting too big. I think we need to license the. To my bad luck current got cut.And we were in semi dark.After that we had no other go than talking to each other.Slowly our conversation started.Through the conversation i was able to understand that she was not happy with her married life.Her husband was always money minded and did not care about her.She really wanted to have a child but her husband was not in a position to give her one.I could see the sadness in her eyes.After that we kept silent.I really wanted to make use of this time.My mind thought of some nasty things.From our conversation i found out that she like me.I really wanted to fuck Her and squeeze her boobs but i didn’t have that guts.After a Long struggle in my mind i broke the silence by asking her “Do you want me to help you?”.She was taken back and asked me “What?”.I said if she was willing i would give her a child.She was in silence.I stood up bolted the doors and came and sat next to her.The climate was so cold but i could feel the warmth between us.I put my.
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